

时间:2020-10-19 16:10:31
请问大家下面的总结正确吗?请大家指点补充说明谢谢了。主谓一致系列之---由each;each... ; every...; each...and each...;every...and every... 作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。1. Each has his advantages.各人都有其优点。2.Each student has a new notebook. 每个学生都有一个新的笔记本。(强调个体)3.Every girl has a new dress.所有女孩都有一条新连衣裙。(强调整体)4.Each hour and (each) minute has its value.每时每秒都有它的价值所在。5.Every student and (every) teacher has attended the meeting.每名学生和老师都参加了这个会。
内容是正确的,再补充资料如下,供参考。由合成代词some (any, no, every) + thing (body, one)作主语,由代词each, every one, no one, either, neither, another, the other作主语,以及由限定词either, neither, each, every, many a, more than one等+名词作主语时,均跟单数谓语动词。例如:Nothing but trees was to be seen. 所见到的只有树。Every man, woman, and child in this community is now aware of the terrible consequences of smoking. 这个居民点的每个男人、妇女和小孩现在意识到吸烟所带来的可怕后果。No one except my parents knows anything about it. 除了我父母亲以外,没有人知道这件事。More than one defendant is involved in the case. 这案件涉及到的被告不止一个。Neither plan really suits me. 这两个计划,哪个都不合我的意。Either of the rooms is big enough. 这两间屋子哪个都够大的。【注】在“neither of”和“either of”的否定式中,也可以用复数动词。例如:Neither of them want(s) to come. 他们俩谁也不想来。I don’t think either of them is (are) at home. 我想他们俩谁都不在家。
时间:2020-10-19 16:10:38
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